What is Notabli Plus?

Is Notabli still free to use, and ad-free?

Yes and yes. Notabli is still free to post photos of your kids, and we still don't allow advertising, and we never share any of your personal information for marketing purposes. To post additional moment types — videos, quotes, notes, and audio — and to support the service and our small team, you can subscribe to a Notabli Plus plan.

What is Notabli Plus?

Notabli Plus is our premium Notabli subscription plan which allows an admin to post all moment types about any of the kid accounts they're connected with, whether it's a kid account they've added or an account they were added to.

What is Notabli Plus-One?

Notabli Plus-One is a way to save money when purchasing Notabli Plus accounts for two people (e.g., two parents or caregivers). The subscriber can add any other admin of their kids as their plus-one, giving them access to all the same Notabli Plus features as long as their membership is active.