Sorting and Filtering Moments


1. Filtering By Kids
Use this dropdown to filter your feed by the kids you would like to see. Select "All Kids" to see the moments posted for all of the kids that you follow on Notabli, select "Your Kids" if you would like to restrict the moments that you see.  

If you would like to see the moments for a specific child, click on "Kids" in the main menu and select the child to see their profile page – which includes all of their moments.

2. Filtering By Moment Type

Use this dropdown to filter your feed by the type of moment that was created. 

3. Filtering By Time (chronological vs. time posted)

The  main feed is organized by the date a moment was posted to Notabli as a default. If you would like your feed to be in chronological order, click the calendar icon at the top. Click the clock icon to reorganize moments in the order that they were posted. 

Individual kid profile feeds are in chronological order by default, so you can look back through moments in the order they occurred, regardless of when they were posted to Notabli.

iOS app

The main feed of the iOS app — the screen you see once you tap the house icon in the bottom menu — is organized by date-posted as a default. This ensures you see the most recenty posted moments of your kids and those of others you may follow. This means if someone posts a throwback moment for five years ago, you'll still see it atop your feed.

On the other hand, moments on an individual kid profile screen (or within the combined view "Your Kids", if you have multiple kids) are sorted in reverse chronological order by moment date (e.g., the date a photo was captured, based on metadata) kid's profile page is organized chronologically by default. This allows you to scroll back through moments in the order as if you're going back through time.

Using the Android app

The main feed — the screen you see once you tap the house icon in the main menu — is organized by date-posted as a default. A kid's profile page is organized chronologically by default.

1. Filter your moments by Kids

2. Tap on a specific moment type to filter your feed by medium (you may need to scroll left and right to reveal other types)

3. You can choose to view moments as single cards in a row, or as a grid of moments. 

*If you would like to view moments chronologically (date that they happened) visit a kid's page