Change your name or email address

Using the iPhone app

You can edit your name and email address two ways:

  1. By signing in to You can also add additional email addresses to your account, so you never miss an invitation to keep up with a kid.
  2. In Notabli 2.0 and newer versions, you can update your name in the Notabli app settings as well, by tapping the gear icon from main feed, and then "Your Account". 

Using the Android app

  1.  Open the main app menu (the 3 stacked horizontal lines in the top left)
  2.  Select 'Settings'
  3.  Choose 'Your Account'
  4. Update your account details in the appropriate form field 

Using the website

  1. Click on the gear icon in the top right of your screen
  2. Select 'Settings'
  3. Update your name or email in the appropriate form field