Edit a Moment

Using the iPhone app

If you are using Notabli 2.0 or newer, and you are an admin, you can edit your kids' moments.

To edit a moment:

  1. tap one of your kids moments to show it the moment detail screen (which shows the moment, details, comments, and hearts). 
  2. At the top right of the page, tap the ••• icon and select Edit. Make your changes, and then Save.

Please Note: Once a moment has been saved (and therefore shared with your Notabli friends & family), you cannot make it Private.

Using the Android app

  1. Tap on the three small, vertically stacked, circles in the bottom right of a moment. 
  2. Choose edit
  3. Make any changes to the moment details and hit 'save'

Using the website

  1. Tap on the three small, vertically stacked, circles in the top right of a moment. 
  2. Choose edit
  3. Make any changes to the moment details and hit 'save'