Start a Book Series

It's free to create a book series on Notabli. You won't be charged until you decide to enable automatic printing or place an order for one or more individual books.

Start a new book series

1. On the web, visit and click the `Start a New Series` box.

2. Give your book series a name – this will be printed on the spine of all the books in the series. 

3. Pick a cover color 

4. Choose the kids that you would like included. We'll collect all the photos posted for these kids. If they already have moments in Notabli they'll be included in your first books. 

Click Create Series 


You will see at least one book that's in-progress. If there are more than 50 photos of the kid(s) you've chosen you will have one or more completed books that you can purchase as one-off book orders. 

We won't print any of your books until you enable automatic printing, or add completed books to your cart.

Once you enable automatic printing, the first book you will receive will be your in-progress book, once completed (not past books — which you can order as individual books) and all newly completed books going forward.